OneBigBroadcast helps Get Green Racing find its place in the digital race world.
OneBigBroadcast.com is pleased to announce it is been appointed the official social / digital media director for Get Green Racing www.getgreenracing.com. As a leader in online social marketing, our goal is to work with the Get Green Racing team www.getgreenracing.com to enhance their already impressive following by boosting their online community and search rankings. The NASCAR community has 75 million active fans, and we are excited to work with the Get Green Racing team to deepen their connection to this loyal fan base and help them to become a strong player in this fast-paced, competitive industry.
V.P. Sponsor Relations / Media Relations of Get Green Racing, Mark Daniel commented on our partnership by saying “OneBigBroadcast comes with a powerful and unparalleled social marketing platform that will help drive the Get Green Racing team in its social, SEO, community building and digital sponsor enhancement. We’ve already seen amazing results from their social casting activities at the SEMA Show earlier this month in Las Vegas, and we are equally excited about the results we’ve seen for the PRI Trade Show.”
Our integrated social networking platform truly does revolutionize the online experience. Our automated SEO techniques, content broadcasting tools and specialty networking capabilities allow companies like Get Green Racing to tap the power of their web presence to enhance connections to their community and deliver a superior online experience. Mark and I plan to work closely together to bring a number of exciting new online innovations to the NASCAR racing community. I am very happy to have the opportunity to work with the Get Green Racing team and become actively involved in this exciting sport, and committed to helping them to win the eRace.
About OneBigBroadcast.com. OneBigBroadcast.com is a cloud based social marketing platform that focuses on automating the time consuming process of social and SEO automation to largely harness the tremendous power of SEO in an organized fashion to raise traffic and brand value back to the corporate site while building sustainable online communities that companies and organizations control.
About GetGreenRacing. www.getgreenracing.com Today it’s not just saying you are green, it’s proving you are actually engaged in green. Get Green Racing makes sure it uses green products and practices sustainable practices throughout the race team. We also partner with leading corporate entities that are true green business leaders. Not only are we helping with a global because that is real threat to us all and impacts our future but we are embarking on marketing and visibility programs on and off the race track to help raise awareness and help our sponsors market themselves and increase sales.