Why Social Integration:

An occasional post to Twitter, a series of hasty Facebook notices: this is the social strategy of many businesses. They create infrequent--and ineffective--online presences, with networking branded a secondhand concern and communication limited.
Their services will be enough, they assume, to tempt consumers. Web sites and fully integrated content are considered unnecessary, a waste of time and energy.
This is a mistake. 
And it’s an all too common one.

The Truth of Social Media

Social media is the process of interacting through virtual communities, networks and posts. It’s also the defining point of most consumer routines.
Individuals devote much of their time to media. It’s estimated that over 121 billion minutes are spent collectively on sites each year (and this is just for North America). The fascination with tweeting, posting and pinning photos is forever growing. Users crave the easy connections and easier results that computers bring.
Companies now have to give them these things... through a social strategy.

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