The web site is no longer an island. Social Media, video views and hundreds of other sites need your news and info. You need an easy way to broadcast that info with direct reference back to your site to attract SEO and inbound traffic. You also need real time stats to measure how effective your efforts are, who is looking at your info and from where. Enter WebStager’s OneBigBroadcast central console broadcasting platform. A central platform packed with tools to automate your social media broadcasting efforts, monitor your progress and attract inbound traffic and new online sales.
OneBigBroadcast – It’s not all about Google - it’s about what search engines are looking for and leveraging how to be found in the search engines.
The challenge is that it’s not just one thing; it’s a combination of a number of apps, platforms, links, content and processes – the list is daunting. For example, Google has been reported to enable over 500 changes to their search engine algorithms in 2009 alone. That’s where we shine. Our platform speaks to many of Google and other search engine’s core processes!
We have a machine. A platform where from a single console you press one button and everything is done for you. We’ve built processes and practical applications that leverage knowledge on what search engines are looking for. Armed with these social media automation tools and our powerful broadcasting platform you can leverage data and analytics to better promote your business and provide greater online opportunities. Our online marketing tactics will turn your online strategy into a search and social media automation machine.
Contact us about your digital broadcasting strategy.