One Big Broadcast's "OBB Showroom NXT"
How Listening Lead to Nex Gen Innovation & increased Sales
Steven Arsenault CEO and key innovator at One Big Broadcast explains how he conceptualized the idea for OBB Autos Showroom:
"The new modern battle field for dominating customer contact and portraying a positive dealer image in real time.
We were having lunch with an automotive client's operations manager and web manager and were discussing how great the SEO engine worked but the links went back to the blog pages. The question was “is there a way to link the client back to the web site or inventory.”
Then we started talking about a competitor. who was on top of them in search for a few items and when we looked we saw that it was their ‘showroom’ pages. These are web pages with lots of writing, images, video about different models.
I thought why not meld the content creation and SEO attraction capabilities of our blogs with pages created dynamically by our platform. That way we could tap into already existing technology that we have at our disposal to harness SEO capabilities of our existing platform.
So for our client, we installed 5 different blog engines each one able to pump out 111 data point search attracting elements for each post. I

For example if we are blogging about a particular vehicle the news feeds would be able to connect with each showroom web page we create for each model. That's automated marketing while attracting SEO with changing content.
Think fighting a flint lock civl war which is what most auto dealers are dealing with now vs OBB's modern day stealth attack fighter technology with experienced supporting staff .
No contest for the dealer using our platform - Disruptive change.
This way we could surpass our competitor in the SEO rankings because their showroom pages are now static web pages vs pages that change all the time from the blog updates. You can imagine the time savings when they get all their models - trucks, SUVs, cars, etc loaded and they all draw their changing news content from our Signature One-Click Console that makes it all easy to schedule and control.
Next we add live inventory to the pages via our Inventory Plugin so clients can read about the vehicle with a link directly to the vehicle moving them closer to making contact with a rep and doing a deal.
In the background our 'engine' is doing a lot to attract SEO visibility and more. Each time someone uses our vehicle inventory we speak to Google and actively send information back and forth. This is attractive to search engines. We also in real time update the site maps. Each web page has access to its own tools to enhance and fine tune its SEO visibility from Title Tag, Meta tags, Description as well as full Alt tag and other lesser know adjustments. Combine that with the constant flow of fresh content that makes OBB Autos Showroom NXT a very powerful car dealer search attracting application.
And to save dealers time and money all this can be accomplished by integrating our platform technology as a digital portal to your current site to avoid any costly changes. This would be non-disruptive and can be implemented quickly.
Change Lives Here at One Big Broadcast
we realize that change is constant and we embrace change. Innovation is the key to change. The creative spark to constantly make things better is what fuels our imaginations.
We are constantly inventing new product features. From a gallery application that morphs into a screen wide display map to mobile applications involving images – we come up with innovations and news features to the OneBigBroadcast platform almost daily.
Our creative team is always pushing the envelope of the newest browser features that result in stronger branding and better user experiences. While the creative team is conceptualizing our platform team works hand and hand constantly inventing new ways of displaying im-portant content or coming distributing it far and wide for maximum social value.
Change happens so much here at OneBigBroadcast that we often don’t take any notice of it. In fact we come up with major changes and innovations almost every week.
Those same changes and innovations then become part of the overall platform as upgrades and the entire user base benefits from the innovative spirit alive here OneBigBroadcast.
One thing is for certain - we've got some great new features and applications just about to be released that will help take your business to the next level! Just Released upgrades Wednesday September 12th.
To get a glimpse into innovation at work check our how our blog engines work and how one post touches between 100 and 345 social touch points all connecting back to enhance your oveall brand's visibility. That's why change is good! "
Click here to enlarge Blog Data Touch Points
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