GoGo Geek picks OBB

One Big Broadcast  – GoGoGeek.com Form Symbiotic “One Big GoGo Alliance".

As computing devices keep getting smaller, faster and packed with extraordinary features, everyone is recognizing that if they're not online they're not in business.  But with more and more people jumping headfirst into the deep end without a life preserver,  sooner or later something’s going to go wrong, be it a nasty virus, clogged hard drive or some kind of equipment failure. GoGoGeek has been your nationwide computer lifeguard for years.  We come to your home or office or we assist you online or over the phone.  We repair what's wrong, rescue your data and help steer you back on track.

As online strategy becomes a key business strategy everyone is finding that they cannot do without some kind of web identity and the lines are starting to converge between computer repair, maintenance and upgrades to state of the art web design, web content management systems (WCM), social media optimization (SMO) and search engine optimization(SEO).

Today’s Internet, like the hardware we support nationwide, is complex. That’s why we are here.

We’ve teamed with WebStager because they develop state of the art WCMs platforms that are easy to use and install, giving business owners control over their web content combined with powerful platforms capable of social media optimization and search engine optimization.

Our new web site is being built with WebStager's OneBigBroadcast state of the art ‘point and click’ web content management back end (WCM). Any designated GoGoGeek personel will have full control over anything in the web site. We are also using OBB's social broadcasting tools to automate our social media broadcasts.  This enables us to enhance our delivery of user generated content (UGC) and integrate our blogs throughout the web.

Using OBB's tools from their digital broadcast platform, we’ve automated our social media optimization efforts and focused the point of origin of all news and branding messages to enhance visibility in search engines.

GoGoGeek is excited about this new age of better, faster and stronger hardware and software. We are also excited to be able to offer new services and support our customers' needs as they evolve and take control of all facets of their web site design, web content management, social media optimization, search engine optimization. It complements our vision of helping maintain all facets of their increasingly sophisticated hardware investment.



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