- 130 Family Farms spread across the Province Of British Columbia
- 3.4 million hens
- 60 million eggs*
BC Egg has been a multi project exercise combining innovation, creative, social networking, SEO and ongoing promotion.
Over the last year here are the highlights on some very innovative projects:
Imagine harnessing a team of experts across the organization for content, expertise and knowledge with a central publishing dash board to approve edit, improve and shcedule publishing.
A private social network empowering BC Producers to share and exchange news, articles and industry knowledge plus secure gateway into an innovative real time financial system created by IBM and featured in their Smart Planet – BC Egg web case study series.
Project touch points:
- Creative design and navigation
- All in one Content Creation & Marketing engine
- Private Social Network
- Member Profiles, bulk image, uploads
- Member blog tools with social API*
- Classified*
- Article tools*
- *all content held in admin staging are for edits and approval.
- Secure gateway into real time financial portal created by IBM (see Case Study created by IBM - http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/38085.wss )
Private Social Network and Portal Into Financial Portal Created By IBM & Featured - Smart Planet BC Egg.
IBM Press Release - http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/38085.wss
Click here to see presentation we created for world tour showing of BC Egg integration at IBM presentations all over the globe
A socially integrated informative web platform packed with information about BC Egg and the egg industry reaching out on a consumer level while multiple guest and team blogging tools automate social news delivery and power up SEO. Side projects include community involvement with activities like social casting at events such the Vancouver International Marathon and the creation of brand awareness raising videos with the sponsorship of the BC Lions.
Project touch points:
- Creative design and navigation
- Content Creation and marketing engine
- Scheduler and team input
- Multi team blog engine
- Events engine
- Social news delivery, image/message adjustments
- Pinterest tool
- Self generating galleries combined with key content
- Knowledge bank building tools
web site - www.bcegg.com
DDB one of the planet’s largest and innovative ad agencies are the BC Egg Marketing Board’s ad agency of record. DDB created a unique and disruptive ‘hands on’ ad campaign involving building a life size fire truck in downtown Vancouver combined with a media and awareness campaigns around cross boarder shopping and eggs. OneBigBroadcast used our all in one content creation and marketing engine to integrate DDB creative and monitor web statistics. Overall the campaign’s YouTube video received over 400,000 views within a 60 day period.
Project touch points:
- Integrate creative design and navigation provided by DDB
- Built money build up generation 'clock' for BC Egg and Eggonomics length of campaign.
- Content Creation and marketing engine
- Analytics
web site - Eggonomics