Automated Search Marketing

automated search marketing vancouverConsumers love the Internet. It’s a magical place filled with websites, widgets and drop-down windows; and within its endless pages are the answers to every single question.


Every. Single. Question.

It’s no surprise, therefore, that the online world has become the refuge of almost 80% of the North American market.

Millions of social media mavens, search engine enthusiasts and pop culture savants are plugged in and linked up - and One Big Broadcast wants to target them all. We’ll do that through search marketing.

Search marketing is the process of gaining Internet traffic by increasing the visibility of a website. In its early days it relied on unethical - and ultimately unusable - techniques, with companies stuffing their pages with back-links and pay-per-click advertisements. These were known as black-hat methods and they were the villains of the SEO story.

Times have, fortunately, changed. Search marketing has evolved into a consumer-friendly process, thanks to engine algorithms (which refuse to index those aforementioned black-hat sites) and companies like One Big Broadcast. Raising web awareness now involves:

Automated processes for social media optimization 
Automated custom applications
Proper link building
Strategic analytics
Organic and consistent content development
Extensive meta tagging
Responsive web design

At One Big Broadcast and Webstager we develop sites that appeal to both search engines and consumers - in one centralized hub.

Contact us today to learn more!

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